Your support enables us to provide essential resources and opportunities for youth in our community through various sports and educational programs. By becoming a sponsor, you contribute to the growth and development of future leaders.
Prominent Display of Your Title/Position on all our printed materials.
Your Company’s Name Highlighted in all our press releases.
Your Company’s Logo Showcased in all our advertisements, including a striking backdrop at the entrance.
Special Acknowledgment of Your Sponsorship at all our weekend events.
Exclusive Photo Opportunities with celebrities of your choice at our weekend events.
Your Company’s Logo and Link Featured on our charity’s website, as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Your Company’s Logo Emblazoned on our T-shirts.
An Autographed Official NFL Football as a token of our appreciation.
Prominent Display of Your Title/Position: Your title/position will be prominently displayed on all our printed materials.
Highlighted Company Name: Your company’s name will be highlighted in all our press releases.
Showcased Company Logo: Your company’s logo will be showcased in all our advertisements, including a striking backdrop at the entrance.
Special Sponsorship Acknowledgment: Your sponsorship will receive special acknowledgment at all our weekend events.
Exclusive Photo Opportunities: Enjoy exclusive photo opportunities with celebrities of your choice at our weekend events.
Featured Logo and Link: Your company’s logo and link will be featured on our charity’s website, as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Emblazoned Logo: Your company’s logo will be emblazoned on our T-shirts.
Token of Appreciation: Receive an autographed official NFL football as a token of our appreciation.
Company Logo on All Advertisements: Your company’s logo will be prominently displayed in all our advertisements.
Photos with Celebrities: Enjoy exclusive photo opportunities with celebrities at our weekend events.
Featured Logo and Link: Your company’s logo and link will be featured on our charity’s website and Facebook page.
Logo on T-Shirts: Your company’s logo will be emblazoned on our T-shirts.
Logo and Link on Charity Website and Facebook: Your company’s logo and link will be prominently displayed on our charity’s website and Facebook page.
Photos with Celebrities: Enjoy exclusive photo opportunities with celebrities of your choice at our weekend events.
Logo on T-Shirts: Your company’s logo will be proudly emblazoned on our T-shirts.
Recognition on our website and Facebook profile, featuring your company logo.
Examples include gift certificates, sponsored gift bags, and auction items valued at $500 or more. Your company will be acknowledged on our Facebook page with a link to your website.